Construction and maintenance within our system is an integral part of our service. Whether repairing a main break, replacing aging pipes or expanding our system, SAWS is working to reduce water loss and minimize service interruptions by implementing monitoring programs and using newer, longer-lasting materials. SAWS has undertaken a comprehensive Capital Improvement Program to address water infrastructure needs.
Water supply and delivery is a critical component and the infrastructure has to be in place to deliver water from new and existing sources to our system throughout our growing service area.
When breaks occur in our system, we don’t just repair the break. We also take a look at the health of our pipes to determine if replacement is necessary and plan accordingly to ensure reliability.
As the City of San Antonio’s Transportation and Capital Improvements department schedules projects, SAWS works with the City to replace or rehabilitate our mains where necessary. By working in tandem, this allows for less construction and traffic disruptions in your neighborhood.